Flight Controllers Default sorting Sort by popularity Sort by average rating Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low View: 20 40 All 6%Sale! Pixhawk CUAV V5 Nano Autopilot Drone 169.00 $ – 998.00 $ Pixhawk CUAV V5+ and X7 and X7pro Flight Controller 249.00 $ – 802.00 $ PM08-CAN Power Module 14S, 200A 80.00 $ – 82.00 $ QioTek ASP5033 Airspeed Module with Pitot tube 20.00 $ QioTek ASP5033 DroneCAN Airspeed and Compass Module 30.00 $ Rainproof pitot tube LantoBot airspeed 63.00 $ Rainproof pitot tube LantoBot airspeed deice 127.00 $ Savox Servo SC-1256TG+ 20KG/0.15S 78.00 $ SpeedyBee F405 Mini BLS 35A 20×20 Stack 31.00 $ – 59.00 $ SpeedyBee F405 V3 BLS 50A 30×30 FC and ESC Stack 33.46 $ – 47.00 $ SpeedyBee F405 V4 BLS 55A 30×30 FC and ESC Stack 34.00 $ – 62.00 $ T-MOTOR AT7224 40CC VTOL UAV Fixed Wing Aircraft Long Shaft Motor KV160/KV190 198.00 $ T-MOTOR V10 KV160 12S Brushless Motor for Large Vtol 357.00 $ T-MOTOR V10L KV170 12S Brushless Vtol Drone Motor 383.00 $ T-MOTOR V13L KV65 24S Brushless Big Vtol Drone Motor 830.00 $ T-MOTOR V807 KV170 12S Vtol Brushless Drone Motor 287.00 $ TF-Luna LIDAR Sensor 19.99 $ TF02-Pro LIDAR Sensor 84.00 $ UFL to SMA 30cm Cable 0.80 $ Matek h743 Flight Controller 90.00 $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7